66 P3 is that support system that helps coordinate your healthcare. A 69 -Mike Candrea, Former University of Arizona Head Softball Coach THE P3 ARIZONA TEAM works closely with your Green Valley A primary care provider and your MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLAN. Our job is to connect you with the care you need - even after you leave the doctor's office. Medication management, nursing support, access to community resources, health questions - P3 is your support system between doctor's visits. P3 Arizona Health Partners P3 Arizona supports seniors in getting the care they DESERVE. Learn more at (520) 462-80o60 I P3Arizona.org People. Passion. Purpose. 66 P3 is that support system that helps coordinate your healthcare. A 69 -Mike Candrea, Former University of Arizona Head Softball Coach THE P3 ARIZONA TEAM works closely with your Green Valley A primary care provider and your MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PLAN. Our job is to connect you with the care you need - even after you leave the doctor's office. Medication management, nursing support, access to community resources, health questions - P3 is your support system between doctor's visits. P3 Arizona Health Partners P3 Arizona supports seniors in getting the care they DESERVE. Learn more at (520) 462-80o60 I P3Arizona.org People. Passion. Purpose.