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  • Published Date

    June 22, 2021
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Pima County using all its tools to beat the pandemic A TERCHER In addition to broad-based TV and radio advertising. Pima The Pima County Health Department has taken innovative approaches and relied on community partners to guide County put boots on the ground to deliver vaccine information residents through the COVID-19 pandemic. in neighborhoods and through trusted community partners. The County partnered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for a two-month run of mobile sites in low-vaccination areas. We see the results around us. The vaccination effort is ongoing, and there is reason to stay on guard against the virus, but life is beginning to get back to normal. The County and its partners helped about 1,000 homebound individuals get vaccinated. The mobile clinics offered expanded weekend and night hours - VAX After Dark. The County has been offering various incentives - such as Arizona Lottery scratcher tickets - to help people who still Part of the reason for that are the communities of Green Valley and Sahuarita. "We're grateful for all the support from Green Valley and Sahuarita throughout the pandemic." said Dr. Theresa Cullen, the Pima County Health Department Director. "We know this hasn't been easy for anyone, but we have good partners on might need a friendly nudge after seeing their friends, family the ground and believe we're ready to move forward." and neighbors get a shot. "Every person we get vaccinated helps." Cullen said. In Green Valley. with the help of the local fire district, hospital partners and sheriff volunteers, the population in zip code 85622 had reached nearly 86 percent vaccination as of early June. Overall vaccination rates in Pima County PIMA CO UNTY also readily available in local pharmacies. have out-paced the state averages, and Green Valley and Sahuarita have helped lead the way, not only in terms of the 65- HEALTH DEPARTMENT Department was honored with the By early June, more than one million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine had been given to Pima County residents and more than 50 percent of those 12 and over had been fully vaccinated. By now, vaccines are In addition, the Pima County Health plus population but now in the 12 to 15 age group, which became eligible in May. 2021 Gold Innovative Practice Award by the National Association of County The early focus on the vaccination effort were the large and City Health Officials. The award celebrates local health metro-area drive-through sites that could serve the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time. While that was the proper kick-start to the effort, the Health Department also had its eyes on vaccine equity and how to offer the shots to hard-to-reach and underserved populations. Even while those large sites were going strong. Pima County reminding folks of all the ways the Health Department began deploying mobile vaccine units - including at churches, promotes a healthy community that serve us all. parks and libraries -- and offered community-based events in order to meet people where they were and help break down any barriers to vaccination. departments for developing innovative programs to meet the needs of their community during the COVID-19 pandemic. While there is still work to do around COVID-19 and vaccination, Pima County thanks Green Valley and Sahuarita while turning its focus toward resiliency. recovery and "We're excited that we've found new, creative ways to reach out into all areas of the community." Cullen said. "These will be new models of engagement for the Health Department." PAID ADVERTISEMENT Pima County using all its tools to beat the pandemic A TERCHER In addition to broad-based TV and radio advertising. Pima The Pima County Health Department has taken innovative approaches and relied on community partners to guide County put boots on the ground to deliver vaccine information residents through the COVID-19 pandemic. in neighborhoods and through trusted community partners. The County partnered with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for a two-month run of mobile sites in low-vaccination areas. We see the results around us. The vaccination effort is ongoing, and there is reason to stay on guard against the virus, but life is beginning to get back to normal. The County and its partners helped about 1,000 homebound individuals get vaccinated. The mobile clinics offered expanded weekend and night hours - VAX After Dark. The County has been offering various incentives - such as Arizona Lottery scratcher tickets - to help people who still Part of the reason for that are the communities of Green Valley and Sahuarita. "We're grateful for all the support from Green Valley and Sahuarita throughout the pandemic." said Dr. Theresa Cullen, the Pima County Health Department Director. "We know this hasn't been easy for anyone, but we have good partners on might need a friendly nudge after seeing their friends, family the ground and believe we're ready to move forward." and neighbors get a shot. "Every person we get vaccinated helps." Cullen said. In Green Valley. with the help of the local fire district, hospital partners and sheriff volunteers, the population in zip code 85622 had reached nearly 86 percent vaccination as of early June. Overall vaccination rates in Pima County PIMA CO UNTY also readily available in local pharmacies. have out-paced the state averages, and Green Valley and Sahuarita have helped lead the way, not only in terms of the 65- HEALTH DEPARTMENT Department was honored with the By early June, more than one million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine had been given to Pima County residents and more than 50 percent of those 12 and over had been fully vaccinated. By now, vaccines are In addition, the Pima County Health plus population but now in the 12 to 15 age group, which became eligible in May. 2021 Gold Innovative Practice Award by the National Association of County The early focus on the vaccination effort were the large and City Health Officials. The award celebrates local health metro-area drive-through sites that could serve the largest number of people in the shortest amount of time. While that was the proper kick-start to the effort, the Health Department also had its eyes on vaccine equity and how to offer the shots to hard-to-reach and underserved populations. Even while those large sites were going strong. Pima County reminding folks of all the ways the Health Department began deploying mobile vaccine units - including at churches, promotes a healthy community that serve us all. parks and libraries -- and offered community-based events in order to meet people where they were and help break down any barriers to vaccination. departments for developing innovative programs to meet the needs of their community during the COVID-19 pandemic. While there is still work to do around COVID-19 and vaccination, Pima County thanks Green Valley and Sahuarita while turning its focus toward resiliency. recovery and "We're excited that we've found new, creative ways to reach out into all areas of the community." Cullen said. "These will be new models of engagement for the Health Department." PAID ADVERTISEMENT