Book your special event birthdays weddings quinceaneros meetings social events golf tournaments corporate outings Call 520-625-5200 x806 to schedule your next golf event CANOA RANCH GOLF CLUB GRILL ON THE GREEN 5800 S. Camino Del Sol Green Valley, AZ 520.393.1933 TORRES BLANCAS GOLF CLUB ABREGO GRILL 3233 S. Abrego Dr. Green Valley, AZ 520.625.5200 Book your special event birthdays weddings quinceaneros meetings social events golf tournaments corporate outings Call 520-625-5200 x806 to schedule your next golf event CANOA RANCH GOLF CLUB GRILL ON THE GREEN 5800 S. Camino Del Sol Green Valley , AZ 520.393.1933 TORRES BLANCAS GOLF CLUB ABREGO GRILL 3233 S. Abrego Dr. Green Valley , AZ 520.625.5200