FRIENDS OF MADERA CANYON ANNUAL MEETING January 18, 2020 DESERT HILLS GVR CENTER 2980 S Camino Del Sol Coffee Hour 8-9 am "Sky Island Biogeography and Conservation" Special Speaker Vincent Pinto Vincent Pinto is a Naturalist, Ethnobotanist, Wildlife Botanist, and Wilderness Survival Instructor. PUBLIC WELCOME 1OSSIZ FRIENDS OF MADERA CANYON ANNUAL MEETING January 18, 2020 DESERT HILLS GVR CENTER 2980 S Camino Del Sol Coffee Hour 8-9 am "Sky Island Biogeography and Conservation" Special Speaker Vincent Pinto Vincent Pinto is a Naturalist, Ethnobotanist, Wildlife Botanist, and Wilderness Survival Instructor. PUBLIC WELCOME 1OSSIZ