City Nature Challenge 2022 Pima County, AZ FA ARIZONA SUSTER MATORKES Artwork by Jessica Paul April 29-May 2/2022 SHUTTERBUGS NEEDED: Are you a smartphone photographer who enjoys nature? The Friends of Madera Canyon is looking for volunteer photographers to photograph plants, animals and fungi in the canyon Friends of to be added to the iNaturalist collection, a global crowd-sourced database that documents environmental changes over time through citizen photographers. It's part of the global City Nature Challenge, which takes place April 29 to May 2. Madera Canyon You can pre-register by emailing City Nature Challenge 2022 Pima County , AZ FA ARIZONA SUSTER MATORKES Artwork by Jessica Paul April 29 - May 2/2022 SHUTTERBUGS NEEDED : Are you a smartphone photographer who enjoys nature ? The Friends of Madera Canyon is looking for volunteer photographers to photograph plants , animals and fungi in the canyon Friends of to be added to the iNaturalist collection , a global crowd - sourced database that documents environmental changes over time through citizen photographers . It's part of the global City Nature Challenge , which takes place April 29 to May 2 . Madera Canyon You can pre - register by emailing